I like the idea of a sports village in trumpington (from a trumpington resident), as it promotes well being and gives people something to do, however I am not too keen on the new stadium. As if the roads wouldnt be busy enough with all the new houses going up. Regardless of what they decide, they are going to have to open the hospital road to the local public within the next 12 months. Traffic is bad enough as it is without all the extra cars that will be using it after this denltopmeve!
@托尔·银月, 恩,现在中锋的辉煌时代过去了。姚明不够强悍,霍华德的进攻手段我看不下去了~
@shun, 超人的招式基本就是,转身暴扣~~~~
😛 文囧星人,这篇文章的续啥时候出?
@Vicia, 😥 我不是文囧星人。。续集慢慢来,不急
I like the idea of a sports village in trumpington (from a trumpington resident), as it promotes well being and gives people something to do, however I am not too keen on the new stadium. As if the roads wouldnt be busy enough with all the new houses going up. Regardless of what they decide, they are going to have to open the hospital road to the local public within the next 12 months. Traffic is bad enough as it is without all the extra cars that will be using it after this denltopmeve!